How to choose the proper size of screen hole?

Date: 2021-07-31     From: Longzhong Machinery     Author: admin

Summary:Dewatering screen is one of the important equipment in mine. It is mainly used for dewatering materi…

Dewatering screen is one of the important equipment in mine. It is mainly used for dewatering materials.The screen hole is a important factor to influence dewatering effect.


So the choice of screen hole of dewatering screen is an important issue. However, the screen holes are reasonably equipped by the manufacturers. The choice of the size of mesh holes in LZZG has long been a solution to meet the needs of different customers. Therefore, we are reassured in the choice of mesh size. Tell the manufacturer about your requirements and actual conditions, and let the manufacturers make arrangements.

In addition, the amount of feed to dewatering screen should be appropriate. Too much, although the processing capacity is large, but the screening efficiency is low; too little, the processing capacity is small, and the sieve is not fully utilized. The feeding requirement is continuous and uniform, so that the material is filled along the entire width of screen surface to form a thick layer. In addition, it is necessary to clean and repair the screen surface in time.


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